
Foxit pdf creator plugin firefox
Foxit pdf creator plugin firefox

foxit pdf creator plugin firefox

You can always reinstall Adobe later if you prefer it, it's still free.

foxit pdf creator plugin firefox

Tip: if you want to try Foxit as your PDF reader, uninstall Adobe Reader first, then install Foxit. I've been using it for about 4 months now. So I said "Foxit!" to Adobe, downloaded the free Foxit Reader 2.0 for Windows (there's a Linux version too), and set that as my default reader for the PDF or Portable Document Format files that are ubiquitous on the Net ( download Foxit Reader, Foxit Reader user manual). (See other Adobe Reader criticisms on Wikipedia). Having had it up to here with bloated Adobe Acrobat Reader crashing both Internet Explorer and Firefox and stalling my computer and always trying to update itself, as if it wasn't monstrous enough already, I decided to give up on it altogether. Don't use Foxit if you have a vulnerable version, until it's upgraded - and obviously get the upgrade ASAP! This vulnerability is supposed to be fixed in the version 2.3 build 2912 to be released "shortly". UPDATE May 2008: there's a security hole in Foxit Reader version 2.3 build 2825 and possibly previous versions.

Foxit pdf creator plugin firefox